DirectTrust Digital Badging

DirectTrust Accreditation – Validated by Credly


We’re thrilled to move DirectTrust Accreditation recognition fully to the virtual space by using Credly as a digital badging and certification platform. Accredited, certified, and recognized organizations and individuals will now be able to prove credentials through a badge, displayed on a website, email footer, or other digital spaces. Credentials can also easily be shared with social media networks!

Why Credly?

Credly has a feature to validate credentials, meaning that if a credential is embedded in your email or website footer, it can be clicked and will run a validation check to show that it is active.

We know that the move to a fully digital badging system will be a process. Below please find the answers to some frequently asked questions – both for individuals and organizations.

Displaying Your Badge

You will receive an email from DirectTrust when your credential has been processed. Shortly thereafter, you will receive an email directly from Credly with an invitation to accept your organization’s digital badge. Please follow these simple steps to accept and display the badge on your organization’s website or post to a social media profile:

  1. Initiate badge acceptance in your notification email and sign in to Credly. Click the “Accept Badge” button with your preferred setting.
  2. When your badge is accepted, select the badge and click the green “Share” button at the top of the page.
    • You will be brought to the “Share Badge” screen where you can find different tabs directing you to connect your accounts and share your badge.
  3. There will be two options, to Promote or Publish your badge.
  4. To share your badge as a post on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, or ZipRecruiter, choose to connect your respective platform under “Promote.”
    • If you are managing a badge on behalf of your organization, you will need to disconnect any personal social media accounts and connect your organization’s social media accounts.
  5. To display your badge via email footer, to download the badge image, or to embed the badge on your website, choose the correct option under “Publish.”
  6. We recommend publishing your badge as a post on your organization’s LinkedIn profile! During the process, there will be the opportunity for you to customize the text that is shared with your network. Example text below. Please modify to best reflect your thoughts and brand style, and please reach out to our communications team if you need further assistance:
    • [Organization Name] has been accredited/reaccredited by DirectTrust! [Include details about what qualifies your organization for accreditation, if applicable.] Our organization is proud to be part of DirectTrust and participate in a network alongside fellow accredited organizations.
    • Please tag DirectTrust on LinkedIn

Individual Recognition

You’ll receive an email from Credly inviting you to accept your badge. Click the button in the email and create and confirm your Credly account. It is that easy! Need help? Find a step-by-step tutorial video at this link.

Yes! Individual badges may be displayed in the Licenses and Certifications section of your LinkedIn profile. When you choose to share your badge on LinkedIn using the instructions above, the badge will be placed on your profile for your entire network to see!

Credly will store your contact information for badging purposes. If you do not wish to receive any outreach from Credly, you can easily configure your privacy settings. You are in complete control of the information about yourself that is utilized or made public.

During the badge acceptance process, you will have the option to publish a post to your LinkedIn profile, and de-select Credly’s ability to post on your behalf in the future. You may change permissions in settings when you see fit.

Organization Accreditation and Certification

You have been selected as the representative from your organization to manage your digital badges. This is likely a result of your role as a communications leader for your organization, or your existing management of your organization’s relationship and standing with DirectTrust or EHNAC.

Unfortunately, Credly does not currently have the function to display a badge as a permanent part of a social media profile for organizations, as it does for individual badges. You do have the ability to share your badge as a post, and you are welcome to do so as often as you see fit!
If your accreditation reaches its expiration date, the badge on your digital presences (email, website) will still have an active hyperlink, but it will lead to a badge that shows as inactive. Once your accreditation has been renewed, your badge will display as an active accreditation.

Credly does have the ability to generate paper certificates if you’d like to physically display your achievement. Please reach out to us if you would like a paper certificate.