Trust Bundles

Establishing the highest level of trust for secure interoperable exchange

DirectTrust Identity Bridge: A Legacy of Innovation and the Path Forward

A Brief History of the DirectTrust Identity Bridge

The DirectTrust Identity Bridge emerged from a lineage of Trust Framework evolution, starting with SAFE-BioPharma, which was initially developed to address the biopharmaceutical industry’s need for secure and efficient electronic transactions. As the industry evolved, SAFE-BioPharma transformed into SAFE Identity, expanding its focus to offer comprehensive identity assurance services across the healthcare sector. This journey continued as SAFE Identity integrated into DirectTrust, a leader in secure electronic communication and health information exchange.

The DirectTrust Identity Bridge was conceived as a cutting-edge solution to enhance interoperability with the Federal PKI and secure communication within healthcare, leveraging the robust trust frameworks and cryptography services inherited from SAFE Identity. It aimed to provide a unified, secure digital identity framework that addressed critical challenges such as secure information exchange, regulatory compliance, and patient data privacy.


Positive Outcomes and Future Directions

The decision to decommission the DirectTrust Identity Bridge is a proactive step towards focusing our resources and expertise on areas that deliver the highest value to our stakeholders. This move reflects our commitment to continuous improvement and adaptation in response to the healthcare industry’s needs. Many of the business cases SAFE-BioPharma initially pursued no longer require interoperability with the Federal PKI.

By sunsetting the DirectTrust Identity Bridge, we are poised to redirect our efforts towards enhancing other core services and innovations that align with our mission of facilitating secure, efficient, and interoperable healthcare communication.

The legacy of the DirectTrust Identity Bridge will continue to inform and inspire our future initiatives. We remain committed to advancing secure digital interactions in healthcare, and with the federal government. This strategic pivot ensures we are well-positioned to achieve that goal. We are excited about the opportunities ahead and look forward to continuing to serve our community with innovative and impactful solutions.

Any organization who relied on the DirectTrust Identity Bridge for certificate validation should contact Trans Sped to learn more about how to continue relying on certificates that were previously validated through the DirectTrust Identity Bridge. Trans Sped can be contacted at [email protected]


Repository Data Concerning the DirectTrust Identity Bridge and Trust Anchor